Windows shared hosting is also called Windows Server Hosting. It is just a web server which runs on the Windows operating system. It is shared by multiple websites with different owners making it absolutely affordable for an individual to begin hosting their websites.

Windows shared hosting


Designed by professionals, we at Weblogixinfotech have a website hosting architecture which is built on high quality servers. This hosting infrastructure is personalised for matching the priorities of providing wonderful stability, redundancy as well as scale. 

Control panel

All our plans are very well equipped with the Plesk panel, which is a dominant market leader for the Windows web hosting. Thus, your customers can easily derive max value from the hosting packages we offer.


Our plans comprise of fully featured emailing solutions which allow an unlimited number of mailing accounts with IMAP and POP3 support and an intuitive mailing interface. 

One click install

Our packages on Windows are very well equipped with the parallel scripts which permit single click install of more than 300 applications. The Windows host packages support the languages including ASP.NET, ASP, PHP and could connect with MYSQL and MSSQL database.


It’s our constant effort to construct safe and secure services which our clients and the customers can enjoy. That is the reason our information and correspondence which controls the web-facilitating servers are chiefly encoded with FTP over FTPS.

Secured Shell Access

Our shared hosting gives access to SSH so that you may easily execute the commands, manage the files and operate the hosting reliably from remote computer over the encrypted channel. Enabling SSH on the ResselerClub hosting is the simplest process and the one which is very strongly recommended. 

Our hosting provider is a high speed shared hosting provider. A very big issue with the average providers is that they do not hold up to the needs of the customers. Fortunately, our hosting provider isn’t the average service provider. Our supersonic fast turbo server is capable of offering speed which is up to twenty times faster than the other shared Windows hosting provider. 

In case you have faced some issue with the slow loading sites or some unreliable servers, you would know about the hassles it can create. We put all of our expertise to use so that we can offer high quality Windows shared hosting solutions which could serve all of the business or even the personal web-hosting requirements.

You may browse through the different products we offer for finding the right solution you require for simple integration. Whether you are employing .NET framework of simple ASP, we offer some of the best solutions. In case you do not have any experience in website maintenance, we have products which offer a user friendly interface.

Once you will buy a Web hosting package, we will store your website on our server and then assign it an exclusive DNS. DNS serves as an address which lets people across the world find as well as view your business website. This exclusive address is needed for people to visit your website.

When you purchase a web hosting package, you are actually buying the space on our server. It is quite similar to space on the hard drive of a computer. But, the server helps the files of the website to be accessed and viewed from anywhere anytime. 

Why choose us

We are totally committed to offering you high quality assistance and hard work for ensuring that you get nothing but the best. Our customer support team will be available for you 24*7 on chat, phone or email. For honouring our commitment, we have a team of technical experts who are very well trained by the system administrators for offering you high quality assistance. 

We are totally focussed on employing the best of talent in the industry. We prepare our team with the tools and processes for troubleshooting the issues and finding solutions with a fast turnaround time. 

Our team of experts has designed as well as built our infrastructure on our own, prioritising stability, security as well as scalability. Our strong data centre boasts of best of the HVAC architecture.

We offer Linux as well as Windows hosting. The one you need mainly depends on what needs to be done with your website, just like whether you wish to develop a shopping cart, podcast or a blog with a particular web application. If you aren’t sure whether you need Linux or Windows, you may just call our support team. They would be more than happy to help you.

Also moving your already existing website to our server would be very simple. In case you have got access to the current website files, just upload them on our hosting controlling centre through FTP client. In case you don’t have the current copy of the website, then you will have to request it from the present website hosting provider.