The world of hosting has a number of choices and it is also considered to be the most competitive industry on the internet. When it is the time to launch your own blog or a website, or some other project online, Linux hosting is absolutely the right choice.

What exactly is Linux Hosting?

In simple words, Linux Hosting is a kind of hosting which uses the operating system known as Linux on the network. Linux is the Uni- like operating system which is offered for free, an open source option. It was introduced in 1991 as free of cost operating system for the x86 based Intel computers. Since then, it has become the most loved open source system in the market.

Why is it preferred over Windows by the webmaster?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Windows hosting system but Linux is the most preferred choice due to a lot of reasons. Linux helps the use of Python, PHP, Pearl, CGI, etc. which are the most popular choices of the webmasters. It is even considered to be the most stable option for hosting and offer more features which may be used for free as compared to the Windows hosting system.

With the Windows hosting system, you may use ASP.NET or ASP but both the applications often tend to be a little difficult for use. Most of the developers, bloggers and the webmasters prefer the Linux hosting system over the Windows hosting system.

Benefits of the Linux shared hosting system

A number of benefits come along with the option for using the hosting company providing the Linux system. This absolutely affordable hosting system makes it very easy to start a website or a blog. Below are the top 5 benefits offered by the Linux hosting system.


For most of the people price is the most important factor. As Linux is the open source system, there is absolutely no charge for using it for hosting. This helps the hosting companies for keeping their prices low as compared to the Windows hosting system. Often, the Linux based hosing would even come with a lot of free as well as popular scripts like WordPress, Drupal, phpBB, Joomla and a lot of others.


With the Linux server, it is possible to do a lot of things like develop a blog, multimedia application, website, forum or some other entity online. Linux mainly comes with General Public license or GNU. This means that it may be used with different distributions like Red Hat, Ubuntu and SUE Linux. This also makes it more flexible as compared to the other operating system.


Definitely a prominent benefit of the Linux server especially for the shared hosting is security. This kind of operating system has proved to be much more secured than the other choices.


As Linux was amongst the first few operating systems developed, it offers much better reliability than the Windows system. A lot of Linux users would tell you that reliability is not even the comparison as Linux is a lot better.


Another benefit of Linux hosting system is its simplicity. In most of the cases, it is much easier and user friendly than the Windows hosting system. As Linux may use MySql, PHP and Perl, it’s become popular as an easy system to be used.

Finding right Linux shared hosting system

Definitely, any kind of hosting is just as good as the firm backing it. In case you select a Linux hosting firm without support or the uptime, you would not realise the many benefits of the Linux shared hosting system.

With the best hosting company offering total technical assistance, you may take the advantage of different benefits of employing Linux. Weblogixinfotech is the best place for shared hosting on Linux server. We offer complete support and also monitor the servers round the clock.

Our expert team of professionals have a lot of experience in this industry. Selecting one of the shared hosting plans would help you in making sure that you only get best in business from the features as well as the support. We employ Linux for the servers as we understand your importance for best performing and the most reliable system on earth.



Designed by professionals, our architecture of web hosting is constructed on the premium servers. Our hosting infrastructure is personalised for matching our priorities of providing a wonderful stability, redundancy and scale.

2.Control Panel

All of the Linux shared plans of hosting come very well equipped with the cPanel, undisputed leader in the market so that the customers could manage the hosting package easily through best management solutions in the market.


Our plans include extremely powerful email solutions which help unlimited email accounts with IMAP and POP3 support and sleep web email interface.

4. One click installs

Built for supporting languages such as Perl, PHP, Ruby on rail, the Linux hosting plans we offer come with Softaculous which powers one click install of more than 300 applications as well as scripts including Joomla, WordPress, Magento, Drupal, etc.

5. Security

We make continuous efforts for building secure services which our customers and the clients enjoy. That’s why all our data and communication which powers our hosting servers are thoroughly encrypted through FTP over FTPS.

6. Secure Shell Access

Our Linux hosting system permit access to SSH so that you may execute the commands, manage the files and operate the hosting reliably from remote computers over encrypted channels.